I really must start to do this more often. If nothing else to save myself the 15 minutes resetting my password every time I try and log in.

Earlier this week I felt inspired to write, even had one of those car journeys where an entire post forces its way into your head, spidering its way along a dozen or more pathways but making absolute sense (in a slightly random way). Naturally I didn’t capitalise on that moment and now I’m left trying to claw back the thoughts and write something vaguely sensible.

The general subject was connectivity. That amazing thing that happens when we communicate with someoneĀ  and, even in the most seemingly benign of encounters, there’ll be a moment, or a series of moments that stays with you, and makes a difference to one, both, or all of you.

They don’t have to be physical encounters – however we might vilify social media at times, the simple act of (over)sharing on Facebook and Twitter can create a genuine connection, make someone stop and think, or simply raise a smile that helps you get through a bad day, and that’s all good.

Believe me, this was much more profound in the car…

I’ll leave you with the song that came to me in the car on a day that vacillated precariously between expectant grief, reflective musings, and intrepid falafel-finding adventures with good friends.



2 thoughts on “Connectivity

  • August 16, 2014 at 12:06 pm

    And…if there is a better song for getting you clapping your hands above your head, I’ll eat my Hummus.

  • August 17, 2014 at 10:35 am

    I get very excited when a post ‘appears’ like that. Think I should record it in some way as I never remember it so well when I finally get round to writing it! As for Dolly – I remember a Dave Lee Travis thing on the road where he gave you some clues and you had to get the song with some tweaks to the title. He used this one for ‘I lands in the team’. Took the public ages to get it!

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