So, I have this friend who’s been asked to do something really exciting. Something life changing. Something that could be life changing for around about 4 million others. Impressive stuff yes?
That friend is Chris Mosler of Thinly Spread. If you don’t already know her I’d be surprised. She’s an absolute gem of a women, someone who I’m proud to know and more proud to call a friend. Chris is a great writer, blogger, mother, wife, friend and teacher amongst many other things. And now, in addition to all of that she’s going to be an Ambassador. How cool is that?
One of a small, select group Chris will be traveling to Mozambique with Save the Children to highlight the Cold Trail – the journey that a vaccine takes from the capital, Maputo out to the rural regions.
It’s really important work. Currently 4 million children die every year because they don’t get access to vital, life-saving vaccines. Vaccines that are freely available but can’t currently get to where they’re needed. The world’s leaders have the capacity to prevent this and on June 13th the GAVI alliance of global decision makers will come together in a pledge meeting hosted by David Cameron to discuss making available the necessary funds to change that fact.
This is no fairy story, GAVI has already proved that it’s possible but, as with all things, these world leaders need a bit of a push. They need to know that there’s lots of people watching them and listening to the outcome of their meeting, and that’s where you come in.
All you need to do is sign a petition, and then Pass It On. And here’s a nifty way to do exactly that.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Gift Tag*
Very simply all you have to do is:
1) Click here and sign the petition to save four million children’s lives
2) Click here to download your Pass It On gift tag
3) Print it, sign it and Pass it On, and on, and on, and on……
THEN you can either:
a) Blog about it, you can link back here or lift the instructions and place them on your own blog – doesn’t matter at all
b) Facebook it – post a pic of your signed Gift Tag to your facebook wall and tag all of your friends to Pass it On
c) Twitter – twitpic it and @ your followers to Pass It On
d) Print it out and Pass it On – to your neighbour, your mum, your local paper, your children’s school, the postman (you get the picture)
*School’s resource – if you’d like a black and white version to print out and distribute please click here for an A4 pdf with two Gift Tags aligned.
Basically just spread the word and annoy the hell out of everyone until they sign the petition. It’s not much to ask is it really?
What you can’t do is nothing, please don’t do that – go back to the start of this post and do something, okay? Thanks
Now I’m going to kick things off by tagging a few of you. This is open-ended though, please don’t wait for an invite, just click and sign, and print and sign and Pass It On…
I’m starting with Chris at Thinly Spread, for obvious reasons
And I’m going to ask Victoria at It’s a small world after all because she’s bloody lovely and has got LOTS of time on her hands
If Garry at The Blog Up North has extricated himself from his George Foreman #notaeuphemism maybe he’ll help out too
And of course I’ll need to poke Nic at Typecast and see if she’s not too busy to lend a hand
And then I’m going to see if Nick at My Daddy Cooks will help out too
I wonder if Vixens LondonCityMum and MuddlingAlong might be up for some tagging? Let’s give them a try…
I think I’ll reach out to Kim at Diary of An Overachieveing Mom to join – she hasn’t blogged for a while so maybe this will prompt her into action
I’m also going to poke Jessie B at Booshy and ask her to Pass It On
And while I’m that side of the ocean I might ask Amy of Bitchin’ Wives Club if she’d consider it too
Ok., so that’s 10 and maybe a couple will help out – it’s a start….
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to follow Chris on her very personal journey through Mozambique come and see us In the Powder Room every day that week (w/c May 30th) for exclusive video content from the (amazing) woman herself.
Fabulous idea! I will let the schools know who are doing various things via the Head’s Office!
Thanks Julia – my kids have taken all the info and their gift tags in with them today as well. Would be great to get it out to loads more x
*Sobs uncontrollably and blushes an unattractive puce* Thank you SO much. I love you in a snoggy, huggy, over the top sort of a way. xxx
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