I’ve come to the conclusion that every future blog post I write will have to be completed in two minutes flat because that’s about all the time I EVER get without a “Mummmmmeeeeeeeee” interrupting or a phone ringing or a dog pawing me urgently for attention or escape.
There is NO escape in my house, nowhere I can go for a quiet two minutes to gather myself – even the relative security of the bathroom can be shattered by an insistent 3 year old hammering on the door.
Maybe I need a panic room? Or earplugs? Or some serious time-management?
As I write this, the 3 year old is in the next room, singing to her baby, oblivious to my frenzied typing. But her internal clock is ticking and in another 30 seconds she’ll be checking in, so I must hurry.
I have an ally in my struggle, albeit a fictional one, she has three children too and, funnily enough, she’s a firm favourite in this house:
Mrs Large* wanted five minutes… five! I only want two… that’s reasonable, surely?
*Five Minutes Peace by Jill Murphy is a lovely book, I thoroughly recommend it to anyone trying to teach their children that they deserve a little ‘me-time’ every now and again. I cannot, however guarantee results…
Ooh I hear you. That is how all my Twitter and blog commenting time goes – in rapid one or two minute bursts in between Kai wrangling! I have to save anything that takes longer for naptime or evenings and then frantically try and cram anything in!!
I’m told this passes… I’m sure people will be along surely to tell us this… 😉
I’m yearning for preschool! Can you imagine, four mornings a week, knowing that he is happy and having fun. Surely this is heaven. In the meantime I must get this book. He loves all books, and if nothing else I’d get a kind of peace whilst reading it to him 😉
You know that was my sister’s favourite book when she was little, almost 20 years ago! My parents always read it to us before bed & are thoroughly enjoying reading it to Sam now. I adore the Large family & got so excited when we saw it on Cbeebies.
I really, really love this book & now totally identify with poor Mrs Large! And you of course.
I hear ya sista & all that 🙂
I hear you! Today i have managed…nothing. I really really miss not being able to pee in peace.
That’s a fabulous book. I think the irony is lost on little ones though.
My two are bigger and yes, I can now go to the toilet without having to hold a conversation through the door (at least 50% of the time). Especially when I’m at work.
Paula, I am so looking forward to September when 3yo goes to school. She is in pre-school two blissful full days a week (and its a private nursery so I can go when I like and come back when I like, within reason) and it’s still not enough. In autumn term, after eldest one started school, I went a bit toddler group crazy and we got nothing done on non-nursery days. I have cut it back now so that Monday is either supermarket shop (which has been known to take 2 hours before now) and home or just home in school hours. I still get mythered for all sorts.
I don’t know if it passes tbh, my almost 8 year old is still after me. Or maybe it only feels like that because it is on top of the two babies being ‘after me’. I meet myself around corners somedays!! I’ll see your two minutes and raise you one………….Jen.
We read that book too. More in hope than expectation. I love it though. Love the thought of cake in the bath!
We LOVED this reading this when No 1 Son was small – even though he NEVER gave me Five Minutes Peace!
Where are ‘those people’ Josie?! Not here that’s for sure…maybe we just become more adept negotiators? “Yes I’ll buy you anything in the whole wide world, please just let me finish this email/tweet/blog post?”!
Yup, we love this one too. I seem to recall reading it through gritted teeth from time to time and with heavy emphasis…unfortunately it is not until they are old enough to ask YOU to give THEM some peace that they understand (and regularly use) sarcasm! I may make my teen read it to my 4 year old when he gets home later…!
Oh gosh, yes, I had kind of forgotten those times. I think the mind blocks it out. But yes, the not even being able to go for a wee without someone asking something or banging on the door.
It does get better. Very quickly actually. When they are all in school you get plenty of space and time.
Funnily enough that is the only Large Family book we have. I never liked it. Can’t put my finger on why because well, I probably should do. My children quite liked it but it was never a favourite.
Funny how different books appeal to different people. I am a Dr Seuss person!
LOL! I get 5 mornings a week, in theory and yet the echoes remain….2.5 hours is not enough to even begin to attack 3, 5 and 8 yo bedrooms!
But do get the book… you’ll like it!
Didn’t realise it had been around that long….Jill Murphy’s making a packet! A little solidarity goes a long way…I thank you 😉
You see! We don’t ask for the moon on a stick! Just a peaceful pee….that’s all!
LOL!! I should hope so! The irony was always lost, although on more than one occasion I have tried to point out the obvious parallels…deaf ears!
Yes, September *gazes dreamily* my 3 yo will go to school too, and I’ll probably bawl like a baby and feel bereft…. just can’t win!
Supermarket shops always take 2 hours…I thought that was the law?!
3 minutes? That’s just greedy surely Jen?! My 3yo now comes and takes me by the hand whenever she sees me sat at the computer and forcibly drags me away….there’s a girl who knows what she wants! 🙂
Cake in the bath? There’s an idea…tonight I may lock myself in there with ginger cake and wine…and earplugs!
We’ve had it since No1 as well…and they all still love listening to it, think I’ll crack it out tonight for some revision!
That would be something approaching retribution…make sure you’re plotted up with tea and biscuits while they do 😉
I shall look forward to the better days then! We love Dr Suess here too, I forget the children are even there when I’m reading it out loud…’Oh, the places you’ll go…”
Might have to dig that one out tonight as well…
What I love is when my husband is in the room with them but they still come looking for me when they need something. Or how he can become deaf to their requests when they do ask so I have to intervene. It seems the need for peace is an universal problem for all mums! Good post.
It all turns around when they don’t “need” you any more and you feel a bit like a spare part. I don’t do “bedtimes” any more, I can have a bath on my own, I can read my book, I don’t have to remind the about table manners, they dress themselves, they put their own clothes in the washbasket, they help with the housework…. I mean, what am I here for apart from to supervise it all. It’s nice to feel needed but you don’t appreciate that until you realise it’s not there any more.