It’s more surprising to me than it will be to you that I’m blogging, more so that I’m responding to a meme. But when one of your oldest blogging friends asks it of you there’s not really anything you can
Bugger I forgot….
In the very small fragment of time that I’ve spent blogging I’ve read some fabulous blogs, learned a massive amount and stored away little nuggets of ideas for how I’d like my blog to be. I always quite liked the
Blog Ranking Systems – How and why does Wikio do it?
After Wikio contacted me recently to be one of the bloggers to preview the October rankings I got to thinking, and talking to others about ranking systems and why they’re there. I’ve always believed that rankings were compiled through some
A bloggy good celebration…
This week on the Gallery Tara has chosen the theme ‘Celebration’. So easy and yet so, not. There are so many celebratory pictures that I could have chosen but I wanted to try something a little bit different.
The Blog Rules
So, in my capacity as junior blogger I thought I’d dedicate a post to telling you what the rules of blogging are. You might want to sit down at this point, or grab a handy branch if you’re reading this
I’ve been working on this for a little while now, along with five other like-minded souls. There’s a whole page dedicated to it which I hope will explain in more detail what Blognonymous is all about, and I hope you’ll
So here we have it, the obligatory Cybermummy post. For anyone bored to tears with the whole thing, please feel free to move on – I’m not armed with google analytics – I have no way of monitoring your activity
What’s your virtual voice?
I was ‘talking’ to Bumbling Along the other night when she said this. It sparked something in me, made me start thinking about the voices we attach to our virtual friends and what cues we use to form these decisions.
You Selfish B*%@^er
It’s a beautiful day today. My family have all just popped up to the park for a run around, my house looks like it has just been spewed from the hell-mouth and all I want to do is write my
Mojo? What Mojo?
There’s always talk in Twittertown and such of blogging (and general) mojo loss. Our dedication:inspiration ratio seems to be in a constant state of flux, with real life often getting in the way of much needed writing time 😉