After Wikio contacted me recently to be one of the bloggers to preview the October rankings I got to thinking, and talking to others about ranking systems and why they’re there. I’ve always believed that rankings were compiled through some
What’s your virtual voice?
I was ‘talking’ to Bumbling Along the other night when she said this. It sparked something in me, made me start thinking about the voices we attach to our virtual friends and what cues we use to form these decisions.
Ok, you’ve had your half an hour….off now!
Those are generally the words I use to turf the the Boy Wonder off his DS. We’ve arrived at half an hour through a series of (almost) scientific experiments which focus on the ratio between time sat stationary staring at
caring and sharing….
My mum & dad obviously did a good job in dragging me up as (for an only child) I’m a great believer in sharing. I’ve often thought that if hard cash were not the currency of choice in our modern