There’s always talk in Twittertown and such of blogging (and general) mojo loss.  Our dedication:inspiration ratio seems to be in a constant state of flux, with real life often getting in the way of much needed writing time 😉

Today I had a couple of posts planned out in my head and, as I drove the long drive back from Norfolk, I was confident that I could hit the keyboard as soon as I got in (after greeting the OH obv.) and ‘post one/bank one’.

But, what was this? As the journey wore on the words leaked out of my head, I tried repeating them under my breath, trying to force them not to abandon me,  but number 3 insisted on me singing “She’ll be coming round the mountain..” and all hope of retention was lost.

Worse still, on a comfort stop (love that phrase), I checked into Twitter and clicked a link to a news site that literally made my jaw drop. I can’t talk about it yet- it deserves more than a glib comment, but I will at some point soon.

Sometimes life decides to slow you down and in doing so forces you to look at what you’ve got around you.  I returned home to find a garden filled with blossom and spring flowers, so much had changed in a week.  The OH had struggled on with his thankless task….decorating middley’s bedroom and was happy to pass the baton, for a while at least. The kids set about re-settling themselves and generally making it look like they’d never been away and I spent a moment or two in quiet contemplation.

We’re really lucky y’know…

Mojo? What Mojo?
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10 thoughts on “Mojo? What Mojo?

  • April 10, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    This happens me too and the only way I have found around it is to take a note of 3 or 4 main words so that it reminds me. At one point I had to bring paper to bed as that was when I got all my ideas and they would be gone in the morning. At the moment I am not having that creative spurt so the notebook is redundant, sigh. You might get the ideas back later tonight, probably as you fall asleep lol. Jen.

  • April 10, 2010 at 9:28 pm

    am still struggling tonight-haven’t slept in 2 nights-youngest coughing and not sleeping. Am soo tired.

  • April 10, 2010 at 9:29 pm

    I am dreadful for racing along at one hundred miles an hour. I agree that sometimes life decides to slow you down and it’s then you notice what you have around you. After complaining about the weather for months, I was so busy today doing ‘indoor’ stuff that I completely forgot to go outside with my daughter. So I logged off and abandoned it all for a few hours. Must do that more often. Our garden looks much better as a result and we have discovered fresh air and something called ‘sunshine’ apparently!

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  • April 11, 2010 at 9:43 am

    As you know I have orried about where my next post is coming from. That’s because part of me is in that mind set of ‘if I don’t post people will forget about my blog’. I’m still sorting out the purpose/reason for it so have that battle regularly.
    altho I’m still new in blogging terms I am pleased when ideas suddenly occur.I have a special note book (advice from you) but of course the problem comes when it’s not by my side! Happened the other day & it was a great post but I can’t get the energy that I had when it was in my head!
    Still, as usual twitter throws up memes & tags & can get you going again. Can’t wait to hear about this site that was jaw-dropping!

  • April 11, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    Are you alright Chick? Too many hours in the car with the smalls push you over the edge? Don’t worry, words will return. And don’t watch the News, always full of bad stuff I find. Especially all this political bollocks.

    MD xx

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