This week we will celebrate the 8th birthday of The Boy Wonder. This comes as no real surprise to me. On the whole I’ve remained conscious throughout that time and have watched my first born grow into a pretty cool
A change in fortune at hopeless house…
Usually, when things go wrong in hopeless house we turn to ‘other people’ for help. If we’re lucky this might mean that my dad is in the vicinity and able to lug a well-stocked tool box in to solve the
Calling all Domestic Goddesses!
Any chance you could grab your marigolds and race over here for a cuppa and er, a major clean of my house? My list to output ratio is looking pathetically unbalanced, and I simply cannot get it all done. I
Things that go bump in the day….
I’m such a wuss: not only am I scared of the dark, I’m scared of the imaginary things that pop out of a 7 year old’s head during the day. Why is this? It’s hardly grounded in fact…. otherwordly encounters
If you’ve come here looking for inspiration please look away now. In fact, please leave the room and close the door behind you because this is most definitely not ‘that’ kind of post. This is one of those ‘why can
Someone please call an Ombudsman…
I’ve always fancied writing one of those ‘lifestyle’ blogs. You know the ones: beautiful home, perfect family, 20 things you can do with a doily and a sackful of glitter….. But I’ve got a problem and it’s commonly referred to