Hola! It can be a bind, this blogging nonsense. The constant pressure to perform, to churn out quality content day in, day out. The bloggers’ bitching contests to engage with, the lists, the PR requests, the ‘she said, she said’
The day that was and the day that should have been…
Today started with screaming. Screaming punctuated with yelling, and laughter, definitely shrill laughter. Jumping from high up places, possibly bunk beds. Jettisoning of objects that were absolutely not meant to be jettisoned. Arguing, slapping, hair-pulling and tears. And all before
Where do grown up shoes go to die?
I just counted up the number of shoes in my wardrobe. Even after the monster cull when I last moved house, I still have 19 pairs of shoes, which means that 16 pairs are never getting worn. Of these 7