Well hello 2012. How VERY nice it is to see you, looking all dapper and swish with something of a dandy bounce to your step.
I’m very glad to see you’ve ditched that ne’er do well 2011. He was a scoundrel, make no mistake.
Now, it might be prudent to mention here that 2011 was not the best year ever hereabouts. That would be why I barely blogged – not being of the ‘my life is an open book’ persuasion.
I think I managed 16 posts and I’d wager that a good proportion of those were either reviews, giveaways or pitiful attempts to keep my poor blog limping along. So thank you 2011 for finally doing the decent thing and disappearing. Off you pop into your box and we can climb the step-ladder and leave you on the top shelf to languish quietly.
There *dusts off hands*.
There were of course some good things that happened in 2011. Amazing friends and family, fabulous, resilient children and hell, at the end of the day I was still in my thirties and I found gin.
So what will 2012 bring? Hopefully a few new adventures, and a big birthday.
Oh god *prepares the box for 2012*
Happy New Year from the four of us (The Boy Wonder is behind the camera) x
Happy New Year gorgeous woman. May 2012 bring wall leaning, long chatty chats, gin and happiness. xxx
I like the sound of new adventures. Here’s to a happy, healthy and maybe even a little exciting 2012. X
Happy new year hun, may 2012 be a damn sight better for you all.
oh plz, 2012, be better than 2011 – mine too was dire. 🙂 wishing good things for your next year xx
You blogged! *falls over*
Here’s to a splendid 2012 lovely xxx
Oh yes please, all of the above. Happy New Year to you too lovely friend xxx
*raises glass* Indeed, and the same to you lovely x
And a heartfelt Happy New Year and reciprocal wish for you lovely girl. Here’s to a year of nostalgic smiles and happy memories x
Sorry to hear that S, here’s hoping that 2012 beings a turnaround for us all xx
*nods head* I blogged a blog and I liked it…..
Happy new year missus. How’s that book deal coming along? xxx