Once upon a time I was a woman who didn’t require instructions. Who could put together a flat pack bookcase without glancing at the 10 page leaflet, who could programme a TV/DVD/Set-top-box without so much as a sharp intake of breath and could plumb in a washing machine without the need of a monkey wrench and a flatulent plumber.
But something has changed. I should have seen it coming much earlier in the year when I attempted to teach the 9yo how to play backgammon and ended up staring hopelessly at the board, unable to figure a single thing. It’s got worse though, stealthily so.
When netmums first contacted me to join their review panel it was with the promise of Lego. Obviously I said yes. What else was there to say?
I made the mistake of informing the ferals that there was Lego arriving imminently. *cue daily chorus of “Is it here yet?”*
It finally arrived to great elation. Ramses Revenge is a Lego game – that’s all I needed to know according to the 9yo who promptly whisked it away for investigation. The game begins with the construction of the board and the pieces and the 9yo took care of this with ease, particularly enjoying putting together the dice (pictured bottom middle). Then he handed me the instructions to read – we were playing with his 6yo and 4yo sisters and they would ‘need to be told’.
Fair enough.
But as I read through the instructions I experienced what can only be described as The Pokemon Effect. A complete inability to take in a single word, no matter how hard you try and listen. I just didn’t get them, call it caffeine deficiency, lack of concentration or just plain stupidity – it was beyond me.
Luckily this didn’t seem to matter. The 9yo, 6yo and 4yo worked it out – after a fashion in the case of the 4yo, and the 6yo definitely cheats. But the overall rating was a thumbs up – and a thumbs down for mama’s inability to understand simple instructions….
Lego Ramses Return is for children of 7+, retails at around £10 and is available in all good toy stores.
I am a member of the Netmums Blogging Network. I am paid an expenses fee to cover my time but Netmums have no editorial control whatsoever about what I blog about. Being a member of the Netmums Blogging Network means that I get to try out products and brands and get my expenses covered but that I retain full editorial integrity
I’m sorry I find this so funny Paula – back of the class for you!
We got one of those for someone’s birthday. I lied. I couldn’t work out the instructions so I made up my own game. I think they must be designed for 10 year old boys, not real human beings. It’s the only explanation. I can’t possibly be stupid.
I’m actually online to find a simple set of instructions for this game – we have lost ours, argh! NO matter how many times, I often had to refer to the instructions anyway. Luckily they are designed to be altered to suit yourself anyway.
I wonder if it is the plethora of translations that make some instructions a bit confusing anyway – a booklet with umpteen translations in it.