After the success of the Cover Versions post I was flooded with requests for more of the same. Ok, actually only one from Ian (@stromi), but here we are again anyway.
The original of this is a canvas banner, approximately 2.5 metres square. One of a series of two, I created this for my husband’s 40th birthday to brighten up the rather drab village hall. It’s much harder to guess when it’s that big so I’ve had to make some adjustments to this one so it’s not super-easy. I’m sure you’ll prove me wrong.
Answers in an email please so you don’t spoil it for anyone else. The winner gets a super-duper blog review, or a link if your blog’s rubbish*. If you haven’t got a blog, well ….you really ought to have one, so there.
*That’s obviously a joke, don’t sue me
Going to have to play with this one me thinks!
OOh I think I know most of these. Woohoo, pays to be an old bird.
Lazy blogging Battling on……. Where are those topical, pithy real life observational musings that I have come to expect???
You cheeky bugger…. I shall spend the next week graffitiing your FB wall to pay you back
LOL – your answers so far are good, but not all right!
you might be the first Julia – haven’t got a full house of right answers yet!
It’s a good job I’m not at work this time. Why is there always one or two that just won’t come to me?
I suspect it is a trick. They are ALL Abba. What do I win?
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