What a weekend! Proof that virtual friendship can be the perfect platform for good, old-fashioned face-to-face friendship. I had already tested this theory once before with the lovely Caroline, but one swallow doesn’t make a summer, so it was with
Ok, you’ve had your half an hour….off now!
Those are generally the words I use to turf the the Boy Wonder off his DS. We’ve arrived at half an hour through a series of (almost) scientific experiments which focus on the ratio between time sat stationary staring at
Pushy? Me?
A little earlier today the Boy Wonder was dropped off after his hockey tournament. He came running up with a massive grin, eager to show me his medal. His dad had stayed for the first half of the morning and
Playing with Knives…
This week we will celebrate the 8th birthday of The Boy Wonder. This comes as no real surprise to me. On the whole I’ve remained conscious throughout that time and have watched my first born grow into a pretty cool
The Boy Wonder….
January is a desperate month. Bleak and grey, its enveloping darkness creates a mask of desolation that blinds you to everything that is good and positive. In short, it’s depressing and ugly and if there were a political movement