Sometimes you need a little time before you can write about something. Time to decipher the emotions, space to let things be long enough to see a clear path. Last week, when my youngest child started school, I really didn’t
You know those times when you know something isn’t quite right? You’ve taken advice from someone more qualified, and their way of doing things seems to be working, or half working, but it’s not quite what you expected?
The original hoodies…
25th February 2002. The day it all changed. After a torturous labour punctuated with drugs, monitors and laudably fanciful birth plans the Boy Wonder was pulled into this world. I won’t repel you with the tale of the stitch-up job
Yesterday was a big day here at Battling On. I wasn’t surprised by the response to I am Six because I am fast realising what a bloody lovely group of people bloggers are, but as I sit here at 1.24am,
Happiness is….
3 very cheap water sprays from Tesco, and Hipstamatic on the iPhone….
Let me tell you a story….*
This is a story about a wonderful, warm, intelligent woman, who loves her son and has watched him grow into a fine young man.
Not ready to not be needed….
Today I was a working mum, not a WAHM which is my usual moniker, but a ‘Go out and leave kids in childcare mum’. It’s not something I usually have to deal with. Generally I manage through the generous help
Beryl was an amazing woman. Eyes full of love, cheeks ruddy from a lifetime of smoking, laughing and sweating it out in a hot kitchen, hair crying out for a hot oil treatment and a waistline that she swore was
Pushy? Me?
A little earlier today the Boy Wonder was dropped off after his hockey tournament. He came running up with a massive grin, eager to show me his medal. His dad had stayed for the first half of the morning and
Shiny Happy People Meme…
Thanks to Josie at Sleep is for the Weak for the tag in this meme – still convinced it’s pronounced ‘meem’, but we can argue about that later! The meme originates from Rosie Scribble and the rules of Rosie’s Shiny