This is a story about a wonderful, warm, intelligent woman, who loves her son and has watched him grow into a fine young man.
A Time to Dance
I’m under strict instructions from my mother to “find a happy place”. Obviously I’ve reassured her that all is ok in my little land of make believe but she’s not convinced so, here is a happy post!
Mojo? What Mojo?
There’s always talk in Twittertown and such of blogging (and general) mojo loss. Our dedication:inspiration ratio seems to be in a constant state of flux, with real life often getting in the way of much needed writing time 😉
Not ready to not be needed….
Today I was a working mum, not a WAHM which is my usual moniker, but a ‘Go out and leave kids in childcare mum’. It’s not something I usually have to deal with. Generally I manage through the generous help
Beryl was an amazing woman. Eyes full of love, cheeks ruddy from a lifetime of smoking, laughing and sweating it out in a hot kitchen, hair crying out for a hot oil treatment and a waistline that she swore was
Pushy? Me?
A little earlier today the Boy Wonder was dropped off after his hockey tournament. He came running up with a massive grin, eager to show me his medal. His dad had stayed for the first half of the morning and